Comments Policy

In truth, my request for our discussion is very simple: Be kind. Be Civil. Be Respectful.

Your comments, questions, insights, discussion and (even) disagreements are welcomed, but be courteous and respectful of one another. I don’t want to argue. If you do, this might not be best place for you. You have a right to your opinion, which I hope you’ll express.


All comments are moderated and must be approved—by me—prior to being posted publicly. That means insulting me, calling me names or taunting me could get your comments rejected. However, I can’t promise I won’t approve lame insults, mindless comebacks or outdated arguments…just to show the fallacy of the comments.
(Keep in mind: I’m on hormone treatments for my cancer…so my mood can go from lenient to snarky to bitchy in a matter of seconds.)

I reserve the right to reject or delete any comments submitted. If your comment does not appear, you may email me to ask the reason. It could be as simple as a time factor (i.e., I’m busy). But it there’s a violation of this policy, I’ll gladly reply with my reason(s).